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The end of April brought high occupancy rates to Jordan’s five-star hotels — especially those in Amman, Aqaba, the Dead Sea and Petra.
In a statement, Spokesman for the Jordan Hotels Association, Mohammad Al Qasem, said that five-star hotels in Aqaba reached 88 per cent occupancy during the weekend of April 27.
For the Dead Sea’s five-star hotels, occupancy reached 95 per cent. Amman’s top hotels had a rate of 73 per cent, and Petra’s five-star hotels were 83 per cent occupied, he said.
Four-star hotels likewise saw high occupancy rates, with Aqaba’s four-star hotels witnessing an 87 per cent occupancy rate. The Dead Sea’s four-star hotels were 93 per cent occupied, and Amman’s four-star accommodations reached 83 per cent occupancy.
Four-star hotels in Petra did particularly well, with a 95 per cent occupancy rate over the weekend.
According to Qasem, hotels in the Amman are particularly enjoying some momentum in their reservations, especially after the Eid Al Fitr holiday.
The spring season typically witnesses a demand spike for hotels in the capital, and brings about a shift in consumer’s vacation preferences towards the country’s northern regions, Qasem added.
Saif Sami, an employee at a hotel in Aqaba, attributed April’s high occupancy rates to many holidays in the month and the spate of good weather.
Source: the Jordan Times.